Regan Boyce is a London-based multidisciplinary artist working with sculpture, print and installation. His work focuses on narratives around the biosphere, through abstract constructions in metal, light and ink.

Boyce’s sculptures employ industrial materials, exposed hardware and lighting. The forms are typically angular and geometric with vibrant colour and seek to engage with the subject of nature and the environment. The series “Geo” explores the abstraction of natural objects to the point of ambiguity: steel lines playfully interact with one another, frame constructions and hollow voids. The result is an interplay between interior, exterior and shadow.

The ongoing series “capsule” is a repeating wall-based pill-shape which explores form, colour and textural layering. Similar to the Geo series, shadow plays an important role. Alongside these more abstracted works, Boyce has a performance and installation practice and works with print.

His 2023 and 2024 installation “Consume” presented a fictitious “brand” and shopfront, complete with products and till where “happiness comes in packaging.” Created in response to contemporary commercialism and the fetishization of luxury, the labelled packaging becomes more cherished than the product. The installation was an immersive ‘shop’ experience, which defined itself by its repeated tautological use of brand identity and excessive packaging.